a hello from the husband

my husband was especially quiet tonight.  i was upstairs editing photos from my grandpa’s birthday party, and he was sitting downstairs with his earbuds in, typing away at the computer.  at one point, i asked him what he was doing down there, and he said he was writing.  i didn’t think much of it and continued with my work.  just a few minutes ago, he walked into the bathroom as i was brushing my teeth.  i asked if i was going to get to read what he was writing, or if it was a secret =)  he said to me “it’s in the drafts folder on your blog.”  i was so touched as i read the words below.  i feel so lucky and blessed to have such an awesome, loving, supportive husband.  so, without further ado, here is stephen’s 1st of many guest posts…

hi! =)

i am stephen, or better known to you good people as jess’ husband. i wanted to introduce myself to you all and let you know that in the coming weeks and months i will be writing on certain back office & post-production type stuff. you know, all the boring technical details that can literally kill your business in the blink of an eye, if you don’t cross your t’s and, well you get the point.

i am really excited to share with you all of the things i’ve learned over my career as a geek-at-large, as well as the new ones that i’ve learned in support of growing an innovative, healthy, and profitable Jess Robertson Photography business.

i think at this point it’s important for me to explain to you all how amazing i believe jess to be as an emerging photographer.

jess has an uncanny ability to see the defining light in a moment. watching her at work on shoot day or in post, she dives in with abandon, excited for what the moment has to say. she has this craving for ‘walking with’ her subjects as she captures, for example, the light dancing off a new baby boy or quite often pushing the envelope of her creative voice, potentially risking that horrific image that would make any photographer want to burn their computer and cameras. obviously, i’m the husband so take my opinion as you may, but she has a composer’s eye.

now, i’m a musician. i love music. specifically, i love how transcendent we can be made to feel by a simple melody, and how similar we all are, when it’s all been said and done. it’s great to feel, i mean be truly compelled into an overwhelming sense of peace and love by a delicate harmony. there is a place that is unspeakable, where all you can do reciprocally is simply be there and sit in your experience. just be there, letting your skin get all pruney with grace.

i have felt that transcendence in jess’ images. i have heard the alluring melodies spiraling in the air, courting me. i remember one night, one late night, she asked my opinion of one of her images. i remember being speechless and becoming a little emotional, it was exquisite and disarming. i snapped out of it and said “…damn girl, we’re gonna be rich!!”

anyway, so you can clearly see that i dig this woman and her gifts. what’s best of all, at least i think so, is that she understands, better than i do, that gifts are not for ourselves…gifts are for others. so that is our desire to give away as much of ourselves with the ambition that it’ll be of some help, somewhere. we both hope that whether you are here to check us out for an upcoming event/session or whether you are an emerging photographer wanting to be a part of this awesome community, we want to say thank you! thank you for being a part of our story!


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wow son! you have an incredible gift for writing and being an awesome husband. cheers to you, i love you bunches!

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