Growing Confidence with Jess {Los Angeles Photography Workshop}

i hope everyone is having a great week! i am sitting in my office watching the snow fall yet again as i write this. i keep thinking winter is over, only to have another storm watch alert sent to my phone! it’s beautiful though, and i’m staying in shape with all of the shoveling. haha!

two weeks ago, i had my February workshop at Huntington Library in Pasadena. and, today, i wanted to share some of the beautiful work by one of my awesome students, Jill. she did such an amazing job of using everything she had learned during the first part of the day as we walked around the beautiful gardens! not to mention, these images are straight out of her camera!

here, we were in the Japanese Gardens working on aperture and depth of field, and going over how to achieve that buttery, blurry background everyone loves…

after that, we walked over to the museum to practice shooting in low light and seeing just how far you can push that ISO on your camera! just outside of the museum was this beautiful statue, so we worked on telling the story using setting for this image.

on our way out, we practiced shooting into the sun, something a lot of people are scared to do 🙂 not Jill though! she took on the challenge and scored this amazing image. love it!

for more information on my Confidence Photography Workshops, or to sign up, go here: Confidence with Jess!

this makes an AMAZING Mother’s Day gift, so keep that in mind as May is right around the corner! if you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet, be sure to do so! i will be sending out a special promo code for 20% off to celebrate Spring & Mother’s Day.



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