Christmas Memories & The Joy of “Being”

i really love this time of year.  i remember going through a phase a few years ago, where i didn’t really like the holidays much.  i called it my in-between phase.  i didn’t live at home anymore, and i felt like i was stuck in between being a kid and living at home and experiencing the holidays that way…and being an adult and having a family & home of my own.  it was just one of those odd phases.  i still spent the holidays with my family, and nothing had really changed on the outside, but i just remember feeling out of place a little bit.

now this will be my 2nd Christmas as a “wife” & i can’t wait to celebrate Christmas as a “mom” someday =)  the other night, Stephen and i watched the movie “Elf“.  he had never seen it and it was one of the better Christmas movies in my opinion.  after the movie was over, i just laid in his lap and we talked.  we shared some of our favorite holiday memories.  and we talked about people that we loved that are no longer with us that made this time of year (and just our lives, in general) so special.

we cried as we relived some of those moments that were so precious to us.  and we laughed as we tried to dance to a Jimi Hendrix song that just wasn’t meant to be danced to.  okay, so it was more Stephen laughing AT ME for trying to dance, but whatever.  it was one of those evenings that was so precious to me.  not because anything special or majorly exciting happened.  but because we just took the time to “be” together.  it’s moments like that that make me fall in love with him all over again.  and even more.

i encourage you all to just break away from all of the craziness for a few moments.  the shopping.  the television.  the bills.  work.  all of the noise that fills our lives everyday.  and just be.  take the time to be with someone you love.  and let yourself experience the joy of just being with them.

i am so thankful for these moments.  i’m only reminded that i need to make the time for them more often.

happy monday!



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