The Artist’s Way – Week Four

Eliminate something superfluous from your life. Break a habit. Do something that makes you feel insecure. (Piero Ferrucci)

happy Monday again!  did that last weekend fly by for everyone else, too?  Stephen and i are in the process of doing some big cleaning and organizing projects around the house to get ready for Baby Robertson.  it never ceases to amaze me how quickly we can accumulate so much junk.  anyway, we already have the bed set for the baby…my mom insisted on getting it when we first found it a month ago 🙂  so, we also went and picked out paint and window coverings and all that fun stuff last weekend!  but i won’t bore you with anymore of that today…

week 4 of The Artist’s Way is a shorter chapter, but definitely no less important! the section is entitled “Recovering a Sense of Integrity”.

within the section there is an exercise, called Buried Dreams.  today i want to share the exercise in hopes that you’ll take a few moments to complete it.  this is an exercise in spontaneity, so write out your answers quickly in order to avoid over-thinking them 🙂

  1. List five hobbies that sound fun.
  2. List five classes that sound fun.
  3. List five things you personally would never do that sound fun.
  4. List five skills that would be fun to have.
  5. List five things you used to enjoy doing.
  6. List five silly things you would like to try once.

this is just a small sample of one of the many awesome exercises in the book, aimed at eliciting more information from your unconscious about what you might consciously enjoy 🙂 the next exercise in the book gives you a chance to explore your responses further, but i’ll save that for another day.

Stephen is reading a book right now, called Anything You Want by Derek Sivers, founder of CD Baby.  he has read some of it aloud to me, and it’s awesome!  i may do my next book series on it. anyway,  one part that he read really stuck with me & i thought of it while reading this week’s section, so i’ll leave you with it tonight…

Don’t be on your deathbed someday, having squandered your one chance at life, full of regret because you pursued little distractions instead of big dreams. (Derek Sivers)



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