Baby Robertson – 20 Weeks!

well, as of last week, i’m officially halfway through my pregnancy!  i seriously can’t believe it.  for those of you that may not have seen our announcement last week, we had our 20 week ultrasound and found out we’re having a boy! 🙂  most importantly, he looks perfect and healthy so we could not be more thankful.

Jess Maternity 20 Weeks
for those of you that are like me and feel like Rachel from “Friends”…that’s the baby’s head on the right, and it’s a profile shot of him sucking his thumb 🙂

we are finished with some of the nursery, so i wanted to share some photos of the room! i still have all the cute stuff to put on the walls, but we got the room painted, new window covering installed, furniture assembled and some other fun stuff.

Jess Maternity 20 Weeks
special thanks to Nana & Papa Angel for the awesome furniture and bedding!

Jess Maternity 20 Weeks

Jess Maternity 20 Weeks
baby’s 1st stuffed animal (from Nana Angel)…

Jess Maternity 20 Weeks
after our ultrasound last week, we decided to go buy him his 1st outfit from mommy & daddy…when Stephen and i saw this, we knew it was the one!

Jess Maternity 20 Weeks

Jess Maternity 20 Weeks
quite a few of you have been requesting belly pics, so here ya go..haha 🙂

Jess Maternity 20 Weeks
he has no idea what’s coming…poor guy.  he’s going to be an awesome big brother though…

Jess Maternity 20 Weeks
i wanted to thank you all so much for your encouragement & support.  so many of you have checked in with me regularly to see how it’s going, and i am just so blessed to have so many amazing people in my life! thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

hope you all have a great rest of your day.



p.s. a lot of you have been asking about names…we don’t have one yet, but i’ll let you know as soon as we do!

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aww Jess! you look so good! I am so happy for you! Congreats again on having a lil boy.. they are so much fun! I now you are 1/2 way done with your pregnancy, but here comes the longest 5 months of your especially once you get to 7-8months. I love you nursery! It looks great! Hope you are enjoying your wonderful time of mommy-hood.. (personally I HATE being pregnant, but both of mine have been bad with emergency c-sections at the end of both.) Love you!!!


OMG!!! I know we already talked on the phone but i literally cannot WAIT for this little boy to enter this world. I’m smiling so big!! Aaaahhhhhh 😀
love you!!

I’m so happy for the both of you! Congrats!

Aunt Nita

Congratulations to you both, I am so excited for you. I only wish it would be possible to personally congratulate you but since I can’t…I’m hugging you all right now and love you so much! I’m looking forward to being a ‘Great Aunt’ again…not that I wasn’t always a ‘great aunt’ Stephen. 🙂


Yay, I have been waiting for a blog post from you two!! Gorgeous shots and te nursery is so stinkin’ cute. That belly has grown SO much since I saw you last. Been too long. Congrats again. Miss & love ya


You two are so adorable and so is your little belly. Love the room, you sure are on top of things. Enjoy the second half of your pregnancy.. I miss those kicks sometimes.
Love, Carrie


This couldn’t be happening to two more wonderful people in the world. You two have the biggest hearts and so much to give to this precious baby boy. I am so happy that this little boy will be blessed with parents like you. Congrats!

Awww Jess, you look adorable and I can’t believe you’re half-way through your pregnancy also. Time flies when you’re having fun right? 😉

BTW….we have the same outfit for Liam…”Daddy’s rockstar + Mommy rocks”. If only we could have the 2 boys together for a picture!!

@Tracy thank you so much! i only feel like it’s going to go by fast because of how busy we are the next 4 months 🙂 love you too!

@nik love you darlin! thanks for being such an awesome auntie already 🙂

@Courtney thanks girl!

@Aunt Nita awww so great to hear from you! thank you so much and i wish that you were closer, too, but thanks for the love and hugs.

@Christina haha! i know, i’m gettin big all the sudden! i’m ready for more Yard House 🙂 lol

@Carrie thanks so much, hon…i can imagine it’s weird not to feel that anymore. Stephen and i are still fascinated by them and lay in bed at night with our hands on my belly. he is a very active little boy!

@Dana you are so sweet…thank you so much. love you guys!

@Lani i already talked to you on FB, but i still think we need to just photoshop that picture. we have good taste 🙂


Congrats again, I am so excited for you!!! I love the new photos you posted. The nursery is so adorable, and I love the belly shots your looking great Jess. Can’t wait to see pics of your new lil guy when he arrives. Love you.


AHHHHHH!!!! MONKEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! So freakin adorable. I am beyond excited for this new chapter in all of our lives. (Even though it’s mostly you and steve, oh well…) 😉

Nana Angel

J & S,
I am sooooo Frickin’ excited…..I can’t wait and the room looks great!!!!! I love you, Mom (Nana)

Andrea Shutt

So cute Jess!! I love it! I can’t wait for the big day!

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