10 Things I Finally Understand Now That I’m a Parent…

Happy Tuesday everyone!

hope you guys are having a great week so far.  it’s been a long week already at the Robertson Homestead.  Zach is teething big time so he is SUPER cranky! but i finally had a moment of peace and quiet (aka a toy is distracting him), so i wanted to write for a few minutes.

i’ve learned a lot so far in my first few months of being a mommy.  i read a post a while back where a mom talked about all of the things she used to judge other parents for and was apologizing because she gets it now that she’s a mom 🙂 well, i have been guilty of being a little judgmental myself.  most of this has come from a lack of understanding, as is the case with most judging 🙂 so, here are some things i finally understand now that i’m a parent.  i’m sure this list will just continue to grow over the years!

1. Minivans

pre-mom misconception: they’re ugly. the minute you drive one of these, you’re old. next thing you know you’re cutting all of your hair off, wearing jeans up to your boobs, and listening to celine dion.

new mom reality: they’re one of the best things EVER! the minute you try getting a car seat out of the back seat, while trying to avoid giving the car next to you a major door ding, you will be praying for a minivan! the swagger wagon, to be precise 🙂

2. “Baby on Board” car signs

pre-mom misconception: they’re ugly. why in the world would you want to broadcast to the world that you have a baby in the car? i don’t get it.

new mom reality: when you drive with your little one in the car for the first time and want to go 40mph on the freeway, you’ll be wishing you had one of those signs.  that way people might be a little more understanding and forgiving of you driving like you just got your permit.

3. How Expensive Kids Really Are

pre-mom misconception: he’s not going to be that expensive until he’s a teenager.  until then, piece of cake!

new mom reality: holy crap this kid is expensive…already! between diapers, wipes, clothes, toys, bibs, books, organic shampoo, organic body wash, organic powder, more toys, more clothes, more diapers, more organic stuff, you get the point…

4. You CAN’T Imagine Life Without Them


or remember much about life before…

but that could be due in part to…

5. Mom Brain

pre-mom misconception: whatever. it doesn’t exist. it’s just an excuse to be absent-minded and not focused 🙂

new mom reality: it really exists! and it starts when you’re pregnant. my amazing memory is now a fraction of what it used to be. and i kinda miss it. my husband thinks it’s great though 🙂

6. Dirty Dishes and Imperfectly Folded Laundry

pre-mom misconception: i’m never going to let my house look like (insert mom friend’s name here)!

new mom reality: the world isn’t going to end if dishes sit in the sink overnight or your husband’s clothes are no longer folded like they just came from the department store. there just isn’t enough time in a day…

7. What it Feels Like to Be That Person in a Restaurant/Store/Etc. that People are Glad to See Leave

pre-mom misconception: can’t you control your child. if it’s screaming, take it outside. we’re trying to have a conversation over a dinner that we are paying a lot of money for.

new mom reality: you have NO control over when your child might lose it.  even the most happy, content baby gets fussy, and it usually happens halfway through grocery shopping or right when your food arrives 🙂 awesome.

8. Pacifiers


pre-mom misconception: i definitely don’t want to use pacifiers. they can cause ear infections, crooked teeth, the list goes on. my child won’t need one.

new mom reality: by the time Zach was 2 months old, i not only had one with me at all times, but i actually had it attached to him with one of those pacifier strappy things. i also thought i would NEVER be one of those parents that brings their baby to Vegas…oops!


9. Online shopping

pre-mom misconception: it’s for people that are lazy. i hate buying stuff i can’t see/touch. i refuse to pay for shipping!

new mom reality: Amazon is my best friend. i can order diapers while breastfeeding…and just about anything else 🙂 free 2-day shipping. amazing discounts. less trips to Target. enough said. Soap.com is my other BFF.

10. Drive Thru

pre-mom misconception: they’re for people that are lazy. i like walking into Starbucks and actually interacting with people.  and it’s usually faster!

new mom reality: i kinda wish everything had a drive thru. Target? drive thru. Post Office? drive thru. Trader Joes? drive thru. Pediatrician? drive thru! it is so exhausting, not to mention time-consuming, to get a baby in and out of the car 10 times in one day. on the plus side, i’m finally working on my upper body strength 🙂

hope you have an awesome rest of the week!



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cindy angel

OMG! No truer words have been spoken!!! That’s a great blog Jess.
I really enjoyed the part about the brain….”now my kids will understand” ! Love you honey…and you too Z!


Haha yup! Very true (coming from a Mr. Mom) (:

Michelle Hastings

Ha love this!! Yes, I have a “baby on board” thingy in my rear window, and Will has basically banned me from my amazon account (truly the best thing ever!). We did Wendy’s drive thru (eeek!) last weekend for the first time in 15 years (seriously). And… my mom now lives in Vegas hahaha! Thanks for the laugh!

Erin Rodriguez

Welcome to the dark side! Lol! My major ones are the mom brain and drive thru! I save so much money on Starbucks because I don’t want to get the kids out.
Something you have to look forward to is telling an adult you have to go pee pee!

@Michelle LOL! That’s hilarious! I’m sure Steve would ban me from my account too if he saw the cc statement 😉 But I NEEDED those new dish towels, honey. Hehe. Hope you guys are doing well! Hugs!

@Erin Haha! Thanks! Funny you mention the pee pee thing cuz my brother was visiting yesterday and we were heading out to lunch and I asked him if he had to go potty…lol. He laughed at me 🙂

@mom thank you! And it’s true, I finally get it. And I hear it gets worse with each kid…yikes! Love u too!

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