To My Daddy (on his first Father’s Day)…

dear daddy,

i’m not sure where to begin to thank you for all of the love you have shown to me and my mommy during the last year.  i think you were pretty excited when you first found out i existed.

happy father
i remember hearing screaming and some words that sounded like “wowie wit” and “muck”. the next few months i know i made mommy pretty sick and you took such good care of her. she told me you would go to the store at any time day or night to find stuff to help her tummy and food that she could keep down. once i got a little bigger, i could hear your voice really well.

happy father
i remember you singing to me and playing your guitar.  you’re really good.  i hope you can teach me to be as good as you someday! you put together my awesome crib and surprised mommy when she came home one day. you’ll have to teach me to be slick like that, too 🙂

happy father
i had so much fun in mommy’s tummy that i wasn’t quite ready to come out.  it was really cozy in there, but i’m glad i finally decided to make my entrance 🙂 i love how you cheered for me at the end. i couldn’t wait to meet you. i already knew you were an amazing guy.

happy father

happy father

happy father

by the way, sorry for pooping on your hand the first time you held me 🙂 i thought it was pretty funny though.

happy father
the next couple of months were really hard on mommy. i know you saw her at her worst, but you were so wonderful with her and took such good care of her. thank you for being such a great example and loving her SO much.

i have loved every moment with you so far and look forward to so many more!

whether we’re sleeping…

happy father

happy father

happy father

happy father

happy father

happy father
or playing…

happy father
thank you for being the best daddy in the whole world!

happy father

happy father
i love you so much! Happy Father’s Day!



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So perfect! So love ALAWYS seeing what you come up with! Such a lucky little guy to have such talented parents….. life will always be interesting! Congrats on your beautiful little family and HAPPY FATHER’S DAY Stephen!


Great Job Jessica! Love how you tell the story. Congrats and Congrats to your man on his first Fathers Day!

Oh Jess, what a special gift for your hubby and son! I feel all warm inside. Embrace these times as they seem like they will last forever but I can tell you, on the eve of my youngest daughter’s high school graduation, that it goes by soooo fast!


What a gloriously unexpected gift. I LOVE this post!! You got me all emotional and stuff. I cannot tell you adequately how much I love you and our little man. What I can say is that these little things you do further confirm just how bad ass you really are! How I am blessed…

Happy Father's Day Steve

I am thankful that God blessed you with Jess and Zachary Wayne. What an amazing gift they have in you Steve. God bless you my friend. Thanks Jess for giving us a chance to share in this experience

Cindy Angel

Jess, that is such an amazing gift…how cute! And you are bad ass, I knew it all along!!! Love you all sooooo much!!!

@mom haha thanks 🙂 love u!


This is such a sweet little tribute to Stephen for his 1st Fathers Day. You always know how to capture the sweetness in every moment and it’s so amazing that you can capture the relationship and the love of a father for his son so early on. Cheers to you and your talent, you are amazing Jess!

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